This isn't just another way to make money in real estate.
This is the fastest and the most secure way to generate real wealth!
In this Starter-Kit
you will discover:

What is an ADU, and how can you use one to reach your financial goals, pay off your mortgage, and much more!

The new ADU laws that THEY don't want you to know.

The three biggest mistakes homeowners make planning and building an ADU, and how to avoid them.

The right way to calculate how much your property value will increase by building an ADU.

How to manage your property like a Boss - The ONLY process you should follow if you want peace of mind.

The right first step that you can take TODAY to reach financial freedom.

Bonus - Real Estate Investing Calculator. EVERYTHING you need to make sure the numbers work.

Bonus - The Secret of Scale.
How to build a real estate empire with no money out of your own pocket.
Created By
The ADU Guru
Real Estate Wealth Creator
We have been helping homeowners across California start their rental property portfolio by navigating them through the process of building up to two additional units on their property with zero money down.
We've helped homeowners reach financial security in 12 months or less.
We've helped multi-family owners double their income without buying any new properties.
We've transformed the lives of many homeowners and given them peace of mind with an easy use to use system for managing their rental properties.